Featured Projects

Coming up with a great idea is one thing. But it is the execution that is everything - John Doerr

On-going // Software as a Service (SaaS)

B2B + B2C Toggl's Time Tracking & Project Dashboard

Within 3 months of joining, I was tasked with delivering a highly requested, revenue generating project that had been pending since 2020. This required a drastic shift for the team, and I was needed to create buy-in and get everyone aligned and motivated. We pivoted successfully and the MVP was ready in record-time.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

B2C E-Commerce Property Booking & Loan Application Platform

I researched, designed and oversaw the delivery of a property booking platform that enabled a sales team to surpass every revenue target they had. They reportedly were the only business unit in their organisation who performed as well as they did.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

B2B Substation Monitoring & Issues Alert System

This highly technical project is another example of what was a previously-stalled project. I worked with our multidisciplinary team to take the system from conception to launch, immersing myself in the world of substation monitoring. Under my lead, my team researched, discovered & delivered a fully working SaaS product.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

B2B Clinic Management System & Diagnostic Assistant

PrimaCare is a government-funded project by an NGO. As the Lead Developer in a team that did not include either a Business Analyst or Product Manager, I was responsible for understanding the needs of clinicians and translating them into a web-based solution that fit the workflow in a GP's office.

Process Optimisation // Government Linked Corporation

Vendor + Project Tender Management & Appraisal System

A large corporation could not longer cope with their internal systems/process for managing vendors, tenders and tracking performance. I was engaged to understand their challenges, design a solution that could cater to both their HQ + branch offices, and oversee the delivery.

Process Optimisation // Corporation

Short-Term Property, Tenant & Invoice Management

The facility managers of Menara Pinang Apartments realised their staff were overburdened with tedious admin duties. This was specifically in regards to preparing invoices for their add-on services such as laundry and housekeeping, on a weekly & monthly basis. I was engaged to review and understand their workflows, design a system that fit in with their needs and then develop the cloud app.